How Grateful are You for Dental Hygiene?


The end of the year is my least favorite time in dentistry. Days are full of stressed patient’s trying to get in before their insurance renews that have busy lives and schedules, last second patients being squeezed in at the end of the day or during lunch, and patient’s running late due to weather conditions. It can make for a stressful day. That with not being paid enough, not being appreciated, and having cuts to the office supplies, it’s surprising we don’t all quit our jobs during these last two months! However, being negative about pretty much everything is a feeling we have about our situation. Just a feeling! We can change that feeling by changing our thoughts. And what’s a way to change our thoughts? Being grateful.

So many studies show the importance of being grateful each day (see below to read just a few). Being grateful leads to a happier life, better relationships, and more personal fulfillment. Who wouldn’t want that at work- a place we spend the majority of our day? Being positive at and about work could change the flow of your day.

So, how do you best change your perspective on your current job situation? Look at the good you’re doing and how it’s helping both you and your patients.

1.     What you’re doing for your patients and work environment

Of course, our days are spent treating patients that tell us they do not like being in our chair, or just ate Oreos before coming to their appointment. When I hear these comments, it’s so easy to be negative. But who else is spending an hour with this patient that day, talking about them and their health? Who else shows them little techniques and tricks to make their oral and overall health better? Who else is positive and excited when the patient’s oral health improves by millimeters? We celebrate and care about these people and they appreciate it! They may not express it as often as we’d like, but actually having them come back in 6 months with a positive attitude shows how much they like it. Good job, RDH! You are making a difference in your community. Which such a global world, there are few careers that effect your neighborhood and the people in it anymore.

2.     What your job is doing for you

Yes, we’re healthcare workers and professionals. We love helping people, learning new things, and incorporating technology into what we do. But, having a job to pay the bills and spoil yourself once in a while is helpful. Your job is helping you with your goals, even if your goals aren’t monetarily based.

 If you find that your job truly isn’t a good fit for you, you can still be grateful! Be grateful for the experience that you’ve found what works and what doesn’t work for you, and that this experience showed what to look for and what to stay away from as you look for further career opportunities.

We at Hygiene Edge just want to say THANK YOU to you! Thank you for supporting our dreams of growing out profession and helping hygienists around the world. Thanks for following us as we grow and learn and find out what works! We are definitely grateful for our career, and how we can change lives one person at a time.


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