How to Prep for a Dental Hygiene Convention


Convention Season is here! Going to a dental convention, especially a dental hygiene convention, is always a fun and exciting time in an RDH’s career. There’s always things to learn, new people to meet and learn from, and new products and technologies to learn about. I always love attending a convention to dentally geek out.

1. Come Prepared

Check out what classes are being offered and make a plan. Even spending a half hour before the convention begins will help you organize your time and make the most out of your educational experience at the convention. You’ll see all the classes and pick which ones apply to you most, instead of just attending whatever class has the most openings. If you’re going to spend the time and the money at a dental conference, might as well learn the most that’s going to apply to you in practice!

2. Wear Comfortable (especially not brand new) Shoes

It’s always fun to wear something other than scrubs and sneakers to a professional event. However, you do a ton of walking at these conventions. More than you think! You’re on your feet walking from your hotel to the exhibit hall, to your class across the center, then back to the exhibit hall, then over to lunch…. You get the idea. So much walking is involved so wearing those really cute brand new heels may not be the best choice. Save them for a party or a dinner that goes along with the convention.

3. Bring a Sweater

Is it 100 degrees outside while you’re at the convention? Who cares! It’ll be 68 degrees in your classrooms, so I’d dress for that weather instead of what’s going on inside. Bring a sweater or a shawl to wrap around you when those classrooms get chilly. Being cold makes it very difficult to concentration on what’s being presented.

4. Reach out to Companies Beforehand

If you have a certain company or product you want to see, reach out beforehand! Let them know you’ll be stopping by the booth to see it and would love more training on it. That will ensure they have it on hand if they know someone’s interested.

5. Enjoy It!

You’ll love being at the convention! Enjoy every second! Go to all the classes, network with other dental hygienists from all over the country at lunch, sit by someone new at an event. You never know who you’ll meet or who you’ll learn from for a lifelong dental bestie.

Do you have plans to attend any dental conventions soon? Anyone went to ADHA Annual Session last week? What is your favorite part about attending these conferences?


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