What Should I Take When I Temp?
Whether you are thinking about occasional temping or full-time temping it is a good idea to bring along a few essential items. Please adapt this list for your level of temping.
Items for Patient Treatment:
Patient glasses
Blood pressure cuff
Supplies: Your patient education folder
Your preference of instruments- (be sure to sterilize before you leave)
Sharpening stone- Most instruments are not sharp when I temp (be sure to sterilize before you leave)
Cordless Handpiece- (be sure to sterilize before you leave)
Your own favorite no-hassle floss
Polishing paste, Prophy brushes. (Items you may want to try from the trade shows)
For you:
Loupe light- HERE is one we wrote about that you can use to try out a light and then save for your favorite one.
Saddle chair
Den plugs- Start protecting your hearing from those high frequencies.
Nasal filters- Protect your patient and yourself from aerosols
Small clock to stay on-time.
Patient Samples: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, xylimelts, interproximal brushes (items you get at trade shows)
Making It Memorable
Xylitol suckers- For those pedo patients, an OHE tool for parents or a fun treat for the child tagging along with a parent.
Need to stock up on any of these items? Check out our Amazon Influencer storefront of recommended temping products HERE.
Want to know more ideas about temping read our article Becoming and Unforgettable Temp.
Disclaimer: We are #amazoninflencers we do get a commission if you buy a product we recommend. We have an influencer store front on Amazon HERE of products we find valuable for dental hygienists. We thank you for your support.