Reducing Aerosols Through Evacuation System Maintenance
AEROSOLS, that is an important word lately. How do we reduce aerosols? The answer to that questions is, having a properly working suctioning unit. To keep those suction lines working TOP notch we need to be flushing the dental unit lines daily.
We NEED top notch evacuation systems to reduce airborne diseases and maintenance of that system is key.
In our latest video we talk all about how a usual bucket to solution technique only cleans the bottom half of your evacuation lines, due to gravity. To clean the entire 360 circumference of the lines use the Biotrol EZ 1-2-3TM Atomizer with VACUSOL Neutral or NeutraVAC® Evacuation system cleaners. The system dislodges and removes blood, saliva, amalgam, fluoride gel debris and is an anti-corrosive, non-acidic, non-foaming formula protects pump parts.