If Dental Hygiene Was Easy...

I have been thinking a lot about dental hygiene, our careers, our patience, our bodies and our families all at once this last little bit. These last 18 months have been so hard on everyone, especially people in healthcare or in a customer facing career. We are working every day on patients that are the entire a range of emotions every single hour- from excited to fearful. Anything else, this year also started to divide not only us is clinicians from patients, but now we’re on a divided front when it comes to ourselves. We have found that each clinician thinks differently, reacts differently, and has difference of opinions when it comes to important decisions that the last year and last few months have come to the surface. 

I totally understand the importance of having our own thoughts and opinions and working out what’s best for ourselves and our families. What I am not understanding is the tearing each other down because of these differences of thoughts. We have worked so hard for our degrees, we have worked so hard to help our patients with their health. We have worked so hard to keep our profession growing in the healthcare space and to be seen as a whole healthcare providers. And really, the only way to do that is to keep combined, keep working together and keep supporting each other.

Let’s be kind and open, and help each other feel supported and cared for in our profession. We’re in this together.


Dental Fads That Need to Go


Ideas to Get Dental Hygiene Patients in School