PSA Injection with the Kilgore International Anesthesia Manikin

When I think of a PSA Injection, I always think back to when I was a student taking my WREB board local anesthesia exam. Back then, we were able to take this exam as classmates, and were able to sit for it. One of my friends from my dental hygiene class asked if I could be their patient, since her original patient last second had class. I knew it would be tricky on me. My skull and anatomy for the IA is perfect! PSA is a different story. I definitely have extra tissue on my cheeks, even back in dental hygiene school when I was 21 years old, which makes these angles sometimes hard to imagine. Turns out, she ended up not being able to get the correct angles with my face, and had to redo the injection later that afternoon. Of course, she passed with flying colors.

But what are the correct angles when it comes to the PSA? It can be difficult to imagine, especially when you have to think of them spatially in a 3D way and tissue tends to block how they can be seen. Getting all three correct can be tricky, but with patience and practice, you will totally be able to get them down. We loved practicing and teaching this injection on the Kilgore Anesthesia Manikin, since you can easily see the three needed angles, and get immediate feedback if you’re in the correct area. Plus, practicing these injections beforehand on a manikin instead of a human can help build confidence in the new dental, dental hygiene, or injection student who is feeling apprehensive of giving a shot to a real patient. 

To review these angles to make sure you’re getting the most out of your PSA injection, check out our latest video.

How do you feel about the PSA Injection?

A big thank you to Kilgore for supporting us here at Hygiene Edge! Without great companies like them, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do, or be able to learn as well as we have! To learn more about Kilgore International, check out their website:


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