Typdonts with Acadental

When I think of typodonts, it always takes me back to when I was a dental hygiene student. My first day of school, we took a tour of the school and clinic, just to get familiarized with the area and where we will spend the next 2 years. I remember walking into the lab and on the wall was a row of heads and teeth. Yikes! Then, when it was finally time to pull them out and practice in clinic, they turned from a bit scary to a bit annoying. The gingiva was so firm and bulky, the mouth wouldn’t stay open, and they were awkward to work around.

Thank heaven they’ve come a long way since that 1st day of dental hygiene school more than a decade ago. Now, so much more research and development have gone into them to help simulate a real patient experience. Just like this Acadental typodont. 

To learn about it, what it can do, and how it can help both in school and in practice, check it out in our latest video below. 


When you see a typodont, what do you think of? 

Thank you to Acadental for supporting us at Hygiene Edge! To learn more, check out adadental.com.

xoxo, Melia


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