How Can I Get into Dental Hygiene Education?

We regularly get questions about being an educator. Usually the questions are “how did you get into education?” or “How do I break into education and get an educator role?” This is definitely a multifaceted question, but something I absolutely love talking about.

Education is so fun. We love being able to talk to coworkers about health, geek out with other educators about changes in learning, and stay up to date to help the next generation of dental hygienists. However, education can also be very tricky. If you are burnt out of dental hygiene, dental hygiene education may not be the answer. We still regularly work with patients, treat periodontal disease, and work one-on-one with patients all the time. But now in an education setting, we have an extra added layer of teaching at the same time. It is not the only way out of clinical Dental hygiene, but it is a fun way to keep dental hygiene interesting and may even renew your love for dentistry if you're feeling the sting.

So, what do we recommend to help you get into an education role? Here are a few things we have done that helped us get our foot in the door and introduce us to the amazing world of education.

  1. Be a member of your professional organization. I know it is definitely a cost involved with joining an organization but being a member of a group of individuals who understand and love the profession is great for networking. I have found that Educators understand the value of a Professional Organization so there are many Educators part of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, as well as working on a volunteer level of the organization. If you have the time and capacity, it might be great to volunteer for a role in your local component to get to know both educators and dental hygienists in your area. This has been such a great experience for me both personally and professionally and has helped with connecting with educators all over both my state and the country.

  2. Take methodology courses now. Even before you start teaching, it's  helpful to have teaching methodology courses before you jump into teaching. You'll have a broader range and knowledge of what education is instead of learning what is when you get into the role. Being a new educator can be overwhelming. Trying to add in methodology in addition can feel like a lot. There are many ways to get teaching education mythology online or through a local college or university, but we love hosting a monthly mastermind for educators called Hygiene Edgeucators. Each month, educators from all over the country come together virtually to talk about different teaching issues, problems, and work together in a mastermind to learn something new. Along with getting some methodology CE, you’ll also be networking with educators from all over the country since it is full of people from so many different schools. Having methodology classes will look great on a CV or your LinkedIn profile and help you stand out from other clinical dental hygienists applying for education roles.

  3. Keep in contact with your instructors from your education. This is how I was first introduced to education. I reached out to a few of my past instructors and let them know I was interested in education if they had any opening or knew anyone looking. With that connection, they referred me to come interview for a clinical instructor position that I ended up loving and learning so much from. These educators are a great networking tool to keep the relationship you formed over a long two years after graduation.

  4. Attend a conference. Educators love education (you might relate!). Attending even local component study clubs or your state dental hygiene association meetings is a helpful way to connect with educators face to face, for them to get to know you, and become friends with others in education.

I love having a role in an education, being part of the growth and changes in our education and future of dental hygiene, and have the opportunity to constantly learn through education. If you’re interested in a position in education, we are excited for you! Please connect with us so we can follow along and cheer you on with your journey.

xoxo Melia Lewis, MED, RDH



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