Shelley Brown, RDH, BSDH, MEd Shelley Brown, RDH, BSDH, MEd

3 ways to answer “what’s your biggest weakness,” in your next dental hygiene interview.

3 ways to answer “what is your biggest weakness.”

One question that is often asked in an interview is "What is your biggest weakness?" Here are three effective strategies to use in your next dental hygiene interview:

  1. Show self-awareness and growth: Acknowledge a genuine weakness you have identified in yourself, but emphasize how you are actively working to improve it. For example, you could say, "I used to struggle with time in hygiene school as it took me 3 hours to complete an appointment but now in my last semester I am able to be thorough and and efficient at the same time.” 

  2. Highlight a skill that is not essential for the job: Choose a weakness that is not directly related to the core skills of dental hygiene. This shows self-awareness without raising doubts about your ability to perform in the role. For instance, "I have a hard time remembering names so I like to write patients' names on a sticky note on each tray.” 

  3. Frame it as a learning opportunity: Discuss a weakness that you have successfully overcome in the past, demonstrating your ability to adapt and grow. For example, "In the past, I struggled with motivational interviewing, but I enrolled in a course and Now, I am effectively able to motivate my patients versus just lecture them.”

Remember, the key is to be honest yet strategic in your response, showcasing how you approach challenges and your commitment to continuous improvement. This demonstrates to the interviewer that you are self-aware, proactive, and capable of addressing weaknesses effectively. Best of luck on those interviews! 

-Shelley Brown, MEd, BSDH, RDH, FADHA

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