Waterline Shocking with A-dec

When I first thought of shocking the lines of our dental operatories, I definitely imagined a much more intricate process of getting the proper chemicals into our waterlines and becoming a chemist to perform this much needed maintenance procedure. However, thanks to A-dec, the products are so easy to understand and implement that it takes out so much of the stress of the process. To see the step in action, see our latest video all about shocking:

Here are a few things we’ve learned about shocking your units that have helped.

  1. Put it on your calendar to test and shock. Do you feel like time is flying? Days and weeks fly by and before we know it, a month is gone and we haven’t tested our ops. So, setting a reminder right on your practice management software is the best way to keep on top of it.

  2. Don’t be scared of the process. I think the 1st time I tested, I was very scared to find out the results. But it’s better now than never and get your op on a path of a low bacteria count. Ops fail all the time, which is why shocking is a thing. When you need to shock, know you’re in good company.

  3. Place a sign (like the one that comes with the A-dec shocking system) on your chair while the solution is in the lines. Without fail, someone will forget or won’t be told the chair is out of commission for a while. Having the sign keeps the lines of communication clear.

Have you shocked your lines before? What have you learned as you’ve been doing it?

xoxo Melia Lewis, RDH


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