Hygiene Edge Hygiene Edge

Qualities of a Great Clinical Instructor

Need a few ideas on how to be a better instructor to both your students and your patients? This article will give you some ideas based on hundreds of liturature written on the subject. 

Do you currently work at a dental hygiene school? Or have you thinking of changing careers from clinical to education? Ever wondered what it takes to be a great clinical instructor? Below is the top five qualities good instructors have from hundreds of literature written on the subject:

Review of Literature ‐ Good Clinical Teacher (from 1909 to 2008)

1. Positive relationship with students & supportive learning environment (27 citations).

2. Communication Skills (21 citations).

3. Enthusiasm for healthcare (19 citations).

4. Enthusiasm for teaching (18 citations).

5. Enthusiasm for life (14 citations).

Sutkin, Wagner, Harris, & Schiffer, 2008 Literature Review

What was interesting about this study is that not only does an instructor need to love the topics their teaching, but also have a love of life. Having hobbies, friends, family and interests outside of dental hygiene will ultimately help you in the long run with connecting to your students and making you better at your career.

As an educator, the last thing you have time for is fun. We know how busy you are! We also know you can work it in! Even if it playing a simple game on your phone once in a while, getting into photography, or watching a few TED talks, you will learn new ideas that will help you on your education path. 

Though you may not be teaching in a formal setting, we as hygienists are always educators. We are constantly teaching patients on treatment and OHE recommendations, and hopefully inspiring them to increase their overall health. Having a love of life will show your patients how much you care about them and their health. 


What do you like to do for fun that helps with your enthusiasm for life?  Let us know below!

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Hygiene Edge Hygiene Edge

What Is Expected Of Me?

“What is expected of me if I join ADHA,” is asked on the FAQ’s section on the ADHA website. I am sure I am not the only Dental Hygienist who feels that time is the only commodity that is tighter than money, and you may feel the association asks for both of these and even MORE time and money than you have. I love the ADHA’s response to this question, “the benefits of membership are limited only by your limited involvement.” The value placed on your career goes hand-in-hand with the value placed on membership in your professional association.

“What is expected of me if I join ADHA,” is asked on the FAQ’s section on the ADHA website. I am sure I am not the only Dental Hygienist who feels that time is the only commodity that is tighter than money, and you may feel the association asks for both of these and even MORE time and money than you have. I love the ADHA’s response to this question, “the benefits of membership are limited only by your limited involvement.” The value placed on your career goes hand-in-hand with the value placed on membership in your professional association.

You are not required to actively participate in ADHA. In today's fast-paced world, not all members are able to do so. Some members are only able to support ADHA and the dental hygiene profession by contributing through membership dues. There are so many benefits to becoming a member of ADHA, one being that you will be informed on the issues that affect you and your profession. Becoming active in ADHA can give you the opportunity to acquire and develop new skills and interests, such as leadership, public speaking, etc.”

There is a time and season for all things and I invite you to evaluate if now is the time or season for you to not only pay your monetary dues but to impact your profession by donating of your time and talents.

When I was a new graduate, I found myself in need of some mentoring and felt I didn't have any time to offer. I decided to become involved in my local component where I was able to rub shoulders with hygienists who still have a positive and influential impact on my professional life. The decision to become involved while at first seemed daunting and time consuming gave me more than I ever gave to it. It actually turned out to require less time and I was able to grow into positions that were more demanding without feeling like I was drowning. This was made possible through the hygienists who were already serving.

The component was struggling at the time but with the united effort of each of the board members we were able to increase membership, attendance at CE’s, and stabilize the leadership roles, all without feeling like I had another part-time job. I feel like this was possible by starting small, relying on each other and keeping expectations reasonable. Even when we don't feel like we have the money, or the time, when we give being involved a chance it often surprises us by being just the thing we needed.

Need more motivation to get involved more in our profession? Check out our recent podcast about my experience serving in my local component below. 

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Hygiene Edge Hygiene Edge

PART 1-How To Increase Production-With Radiographs

I often get asked the question, “How can I increase the hygiene departments production?” There are two main reasons why this being asked. The first being that the hygienist is being told that they don’t produce enough. Second, because you work on commission and you would like to earn what you are worth.  In both of these scenarios you HAVE to find a balance between sales and improving oral health to keep yourself happy and motivated.


I often get asked the question, “How can I increase the hygiene departments production?” There are two main reasons why this being asked. The first being that the hygienist is being told that they don’t produce enough. Second, because you work on commission and you would like to earn what you are worth.  In both of these scenarios you HAVE to find a balance between sales and improving oral health to keep yourself happy and motivated.

I daily ask myself the question while reviewing my charts, “How can I help my patients today?” If you can provide high quality care, the finances will come. What do I mean by “high quality?” I mean the basic, evidence based, standard of care services. That's what increases production. 

I will start part one of this series discussing radiograph production. Each morning, I would recommend looking through your charts with the dentist and getting a “prescription” for each patient if they need radiographs or not based on need.

BWX- According to the ADA’s Dental Radiograph Exam document, patients who are at high caries and periodontitis risk may need radiographs every 6 months vs 1 year. Some offices just give a generalized 1 time per year exposure but some patients need them earlier to catch problems while small. Even if BWX's are not covered by insurance, the patient must be informed they are at increased risk for these concerns and that we can catch things when small, which saves finances and precious tooth structure. This is giving your patient proper care and increases production.

NOTE: If your patient doesn’t have coverage for BWX, but based on their risk assessment, they need them, you need to word your recommendation in a certain way to get them to accept the necessary and needed treatment. For example:

Correct way- “Dr. Jo has reviewed your chart and is concerned that you are at a high risk for cavities. He would like to me to take 4 x-rays of your teeth today to check for cavities and it will also evaluate the health of your bone. This can help us to prevent future concerns. The cost will be $52. Can I go ahead and take those for the Dr.?  

Wrong way- You need 4 bitewings, it will be an extra $52. Do you want them?

PANO- I am always amazed at how many offices I have worked in that don’t update the FMX or Pano every 3-5 years, especially since insurance usually covers it within that time frame at 100%. Whether the patient has insurance or not, the standard of care is that patients need one FMX or Pano every 3-5 years to catch things we would not see in the BWX. I understand that time is sometimes scarce, but plan ahead and schedule an extra 10 minutes at the next maintenance care appointment if needed.  If one has NEVER been taken, you could be held liable. When you do this, you are helping your patient prevent potential issues and increasing production.

Have you noticed that I keep saying the phrase “this will help your patient, and increase production.” I have to remind myself of that daily as I recommend necessary treatment. Therefore, I am going to keep reminding you as well.

PERIAPICAL RADIOGRAPHS: At the beginning of the appointment, be sure to determine the patient's chief concerns. If they mention that they are in pain, snap a PA for evaluation of the root for the dentist.  Also, we check the posterior teeth with BWX, but how often are you checking the anterior teeth? I have found that many offices perform a risk assessment and determine, based on patient needs, that 2-6 anterior PA’s are indicated (number varies per dentist's prescription.) Consider as well that often times an evaluation of teeth with root canals or implants are necessary before another FMX/Pano is indicated and the dentist may prescribe a PA evaluation of the area. Another indicator for a PA is if a crown is ever diagnosed, a PA of the area must be taken for insurance coverage. To increase production, I will take one after a crown is diagnosed. All of these needed scenarios help the patient and increases production.


If you want more information on how to determine if a patient needs radiographs visit the ADA’s report called DENTAL RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONS: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PATIENT SELECTION AND LIMITING RADIATION EXPOSURE.


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Hygiene Edge Hygiene Edge

GIVEAWAY- National Dentist Day

Happy National Dentist Day (yesterday)!!

We all know and love many dentists. We want to help celebrate these professionals in our life! We are giveaway two tooth pins from our shop- one for you and one for your dentist!


To enter, just comment below where you currently practice. For an extra entry, let us know what you love about the dentist you work with!

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Hygiene Edge Hygiene Edge

Fluoride Varnish Post Op Handout

Ever wonder if your patients follow your post op instructions? Now you don't have to with our Fluoride Varnish Post Op Instructions printout. 

After a long appointment, the last thing your patient will remember is the post op instructions for the fluoride varnish you just placed. Don't even get us started on what kids hear! Instead of wondering if they are actually following your recommendations, print off our FREE Fluoride Varnish post op instructions and put them in your patient's take home bag. Now they will have something tangible to follow and the varnish will have time to be effective!

Download the PDF version here.


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