Sharpening a Dental Hygiene Curette

Sharpening a dental hygiene curette is essential to maintain its effectiveness in removing calculus and providing optimal patient care. Follow these step by step instructionsto sharpen a curette properly:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Sharpening stone
Lubricant (if required for your stone)
Good lighting and magnification (optional but in my mind, is isn’t)
A stable work surface
Testing stick (for sharpness evaluation)

Step 2: Identify the Curette’s Blade and Angulation

A curette has two cutting edges (one on each side of the face) and a rounded toe.
Hold the curette with the face parallel to the floor so you can see the cutting edges clearly.
The ideal sharpening angle is 70–80 degrees between the stone and the lateral surface. Having a guide of some sort, either paper or something that connects to your sharpening stone or card is key.

Step 3: Position the Curette and the Sharpening Stone

Hold the curette in your non-dominant hand, using a stable grip.
Use your dominant hand to hold the sharpening stone.
The stone should be lined up at 110 degrees (use your guide to help)
Maintain a steady hand position to avoid altering the instrument’s shape.

Step 4: Sharpen the Cutting Edge

Start at the heel of the cutting edge and move toward the middle and toe using a short, controlled up-and-down stroke.
Maintain light to moderate pressure while sharpening.
Use a consistent stroke direction to avoid over-thinning the instrument.
Continue sharpening until you feel a slight “bite” when testing on a plastic stick.

Step 5: Sharpen the Rounded Toe

Curettes have a rounded toe that must be maintained.
Use semi-circular motions with the stone around the toe to keep its shape.
Avoid over-sharpening the toe to prevent flattening or shortening its lifespan.

Step 6: Test for Sharpness

Use a plastic testing stick to check sharpness.
A sharp curette “grabs” or bites into the plastic rather than sliding off.
If the curette is still dull, repeat the sharpening process in small increments.

Step 7: Rinse, Sterilize, and Store Properly

Rinse off any metal shavings.
Sterilize the instrument according to infection control protocols.
Store in a clean, dry place to maintain sharpness.

Sharpening a curette can definitely take time and practice, but it is so worth it to have a sharp instrument for both your patient and you as the clinician. I’m excited for you to practice your sharpening with these steps! If you’re a visual learner, we have several sharpening videos on YouTube, with lots coming soon.

Plus if you’re looking for a sharpening guide, we have our favorite in our shop. Get yours today!

xoxo Melia Lewis, MED, RDH



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